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Traders Tiki Bar Altringham

Traders Tiki Bar is a tiki-themed cocktail and rum bar based in Altrincham. I was tasked with modernizing and updating their current Menu Design which had become a little outdated over the years. The menu had to appeal to the main demographic which was people in their twenties and thirties.





1. Colour Palette 

I knew instantly that this menu's colour palette had to be bright and energetic to emulate the brand's USP. I played with a few colour schemes and provided Traders Tiki Bar with a variety of palettes to choose from.

2. Typography

With a Tiki bar, the aim was to use Abstract, Creative and Bold fonts. I came across a font called "Africa" which paired well with the assets I was using. The font is clear, bold and visible but also offers that abstract feeling.





3. Assets

We used many assets on this menu such as Fruit, Bottles, Hawaiian Flowers, Tiki Statues and Masks. With the bar having a lot of Rum in its cocktails and stock the idea was to have Fun and Fresh assets to compliment the menu.

4. Menu Design - FRONT

The old menu took up most of the table due to it having two folds, which wasn't practical in a cocktail bar. With the information we were provided, both the client and designer felt a 4 sided square fold would be the best option.


5. Menu Design - INSIDE

We decided that the inside of the menu was going to host most of the information. This is why we opted for both pages to be joined together. This enabled us a bigger area to play around with the layout and assets.


6. Menu Design - BACK

With the complexity of the inside pages we chose to tone the busyness down and decided to space out the wine section with a simpler organisation. This was a conscious decision from the start of the design process.

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