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Business Cards

It is estimated by 2040 that 95% of all retail purchases will be made using E-commerce. Online Purchases have already increased by 35% in 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. With a whole new market to explore, now is the perfect time to upgrade your point of reach and sale.

Designed and Created by  © 2012 - 2023 Dale Fitton Design LTD 

Torquoise Paper Structures

Shapes & Sizes

We will build your online shop under your brand's guidelines adding a shopping cart, membership

(Optional) and products along the way. We can implement simple tricks which will lead to more sales such as Shopping cart reminders, No sign-up purchases (Quick, more convenient check out) and more.

Image by Pickawood


We offer multiple payment methods including Debit, Credit, PayPal, Payment Plans and much more, It all depends on you and your market. Each form of payment provider will charge its own small percentage on sales.

Image by Roberto Cortese

Weight / Thickness

With the rise of E-commerce and overall internet use, we also see integrated software that can help make running your business smoother, Shopify for example lets you manage products, inventory, payments, and shipping in one place. There are thousands of Add-ons to choose from, it just depends on your business model.

Key Lock


Taking payments online can be a daunting prospect, and that's why all the websites we create are secured, We only use trusted third-parties (Paypal for example) to ensure payment and details are not only secure but private as well.

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